Tips for Creating Calm During Half Term

As a mum of two wild children, half term is not a period I think about as a calm time - now don’t get me wrong I cannot wait for the kids to be off school and nursery and to get to spend more time with them both - but it definitely has the potential to be a crazy time.

So I want to share simple things I do to help me get a few moments of calm during the half-term holidays.

  1. Colouring Activities

    My kids absolutely love colouring and to be honest so do I, so I will always make sure the colouring supplies are fully stocked up. This means we can all sit down together and have some quiet(ish) and creative time. We have found some good “Draw with me” style videos on YouTube if you need some direction on what and how to draw their favourite characters.

  2. Bed Time Rituals

    We keep bedtime pretty much the same in our house no matter if it’s the holidays or not, so once the babies are fast asleep this is when I like to take full advantage of the quiet. Things that I like to do during this time include:

    1. Light a candle

    2. Soak in the tub

    3. Read my book

    4. Listen to some chill-out music

    5. Plan the next day’s activities - I feel having a plan helps my kids stay less crazy!

  3. Fresh Air

    Let’s be honest, in England the weather is not always the best during the holidays, but this will not stop us from getting some fresh air every day. We are lucky enough to have a dog that needs a walk every day, so it’s the perfect excuse.

    I find my children get wilder the longer they are indoors, so time in nature burning off some of that extra energy they seem to have helps to keep things calmer when we get back home.

  4. Embrace the Craziness

    Now this one might sound a little backwards, but I find it helpful to acknowledge that more time together is likely to be loud and messy and a little crazy. The less I stress about it all and start having fun with the kids the more calm I feel about it.

    It is ok to have a messy house, unwashed kids and still be in your pjs at lunch time. This time is should be about having fun and making memories with them - you can get the routine and tidiness back next week!

Do you have any tips to help keep the calm during school holidays? Please share in the comments and help a Mumma out! :D


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