March Goal
The past few weeks/months seem to have absolutely flown by and I am pretty sure I forgot to write my goals for Feb!
Having said that, it was a lovely month - but not all that great in terms of business, goals, and targets. But it did include a family trip during half term so all is forgiven (From me to me! :))
So this month I am going to get back to focus and start hitting some goals!
My main goals this month are:
Start working on improving my studio - I work from our garage and at the moment it is full off rubbish and typical garage things. This month I will make a start on tidying it up and getting it looking much nicer.
Markets - I still haven’t got myself into any markets this year so I will focus on getting applications submitted - so if you know of any good markets you think would be perfect for Poured By Fi, please let me know.
Fitness - I have managed to get back into running after my ankle issues so I would like to continue that. I would love to be able to run a minimum of 2 5kms a week.
Reading - I love reading but feel like I have got out of the habit of getting myself into a nice daily routine of reading a few pages, so I plan to get back into that and maybe even get up half an hour earlier to give myself a good chance to get absorbed without falling asleep!
Meditating - I came across the Balance app a few days ago and have got myself a year’s free trial - so I would love to make meditating a daily practice too!
What are your goals this month?