August Goals: Work and Life

Happy August!

The summer holidays are officially here so please forgive the extra children activities content, but a mum has got to do what she gotta do! If I am honest, I am actually really looking forward to spending more time with both of my babies!

So Julys goals didn’t really workout for me! I guess I could admit to getting organised for Phillys birthday but that’s pretty much as far as I got. But that is ok, now to look forward to the month ahead:

  • Summer Sale - Candle sales always slow in the warmer months so I have a fair bit of stock that I want to get into your lovely homes so I will launch a summer flash sale this month.

  • Read more - While we were on holiday I managed to read 2 books and I want to keep the momentum up, so I want to try my best to read one book a month. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

  • SEO Work - I would like to grow my other business which means I need to fix my other website and find some more work. If anyone needs some digital marketing or SEO help please shout!

  • Finances - Summer holiday spending is a must but I would also like to get my finances straight. So I will be updating my money spreadsheet and get my head around what is where and when.

  • Ankle Support - I have had a sore ankle for a long time now and I’m fed up of not being able to run because of it. So this month I am going to commit to some physio exercises and doing All that I can to help Improve it.

So these are my goals this month, have you set yours?

Fi xx


September 2024 Goals


Tips for Keeping Calm During the Summer Holidays