September 2024 Goals

Hello September and for all you autumn girls a few steps closer to your fave time of the year!!

Before I set my goals for the month ahead, I would like to look at the month we just had and how I got on with my goals. My goals were:

  • Summer Sale - Completed - I launched the Summer Sale and sent out a few emails too!

  • Read More - Completed - I finished a book and am partway through another!

  • SEO Work - 1/2 - I found no more work but updated my website.

  • Finances - Completed - Although I spent far too much in August!!

  • Ankle Support - 1/2 - I was pretty rubbish at the exercise, but I did take some supplements every day to help.

    Now, let’s set my new goals for September!! :

  • Money - This is a two-parter! I mentioned that I have lost some work, so I need to be more careful about money. So this month I would like to have at least 7 no spend days and I would like to sell at least 5 things on Vinted.

  • Workshops - It is almost candle season so I would like to get some workshops in the calendar and start getting people excited about them.

  • Read - I have loved reading so this goal is going to continue this month. I would like to read for at least 5 minutes each day.

  • Better Content - I need to get better at content creation so that is my goal this month. I would like to create one amazing piece of content each week.

  • Yoga Daily - My body is shouting at me at the moment, so I want to commit to doing some yoga every day to help my body feel better and stronger.

I have been working on a goal/habit tracker document to help me keep on top of my goals - I will be sharing soon, so please let me know if you would like one!

I hope you all have a great September and hit your goals!

Fi x


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