Top Candle Care Tips

Before I started pouring my own candles, I would be so excited when I got a new one that I would just light it straight away and not even think if there were things I needed to do to get the most out of it! 

I have had a lot of candles that didn’t burn evenly or would end up leaving black marks on my wall! 

But I have since learnt that there are a few very simple things you can do to get to the bottom on the jar and enjoy the scents without the mess!

  1. Trim the wick - Making sure the wick is the perfect length helps to control the amount of “fuel” or wax that is present. By controlling this the flame will be able to create the right conditions for an even burn and to make sure that soot is not given off. Make sure you continue to trim the wick before every burn.

  2. Burn for long enough - On the first burn making sure you leave the top layer to melt completely will ensure a nice even burn and that there isn’t any tunnelling of the wax.

  3. Don’t burn for too long - make sure you don’t burn your candle for over 4 hours at a time. Once you blow the candle out, make sure it has cooled and set completely before you light it again.

  4. Put the lid on - When you are not burning your candle, make sure you put the lid back on. This will help to stop dust collecting in it, it you do get dust in it, simply get a damp cotton pad and wipe it away. 

  5. Place it well - This might sound silly, having a candle lit in a draughty place can cause the candle to burn much quicker and not release the scent as well. 

I hope these tips help you make the most out of your candles! 


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