My Goals for July

Happy July!!!

We may not have the weather, but we can officially say we are in Summer!!

I think this is the first time I have ever been on time with sharing my monthly goals, so I am pretty please with this!!

This month is a crazy one for us, we are going away on our family holiday, our son finishes his first year at school, all of the end of term activities! So here are my goals:

  1. Get Organised - With such a busy month and our daughters 3rd birthday the day after we get home from holiday I really want to make sure I am super organised and everything goes as smooth as it can. So watch this space for 700 lists this month!!

  2. Better Me Time - I think my me time sessions have been pretty poor recently and I have just ended up watching the tele! So I want to really start to do the things I enjoy, so I have stocked up on the face masks and have my next book lined up.

  3. Get Outside More - I have noticed that if we didn’t do the school run, I think I would struggle to get outside, so I want to start making it more of a priority. We have a big garden and are lucky to live close to some nice parks and nature reserves so we need to make more of them.

  4. Plan More Workshops - The two workshop this year have been a great success so I would love to get a load more in the diary! Please let me know when you think another workshop would be good.

I would love to hear what your goals are this month….


Aromatherapy Reed Diffusers


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