Poured By Fi

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Craft and Flea - 24th April 2021

I am so excited that I have been accepted to my very first actual market!!!

Since I started Poured By Fi last year, there has only been virtual markets on the cards due to COVID and all the restrictions that had been put in place, and don’t get me wrong, I have really enjoyed taking part in the various markets.

But….. I am excited, nervous and very much looking forward to the Craft and Flea market in Hull!

I have already created a Pinterest Board of how I would like my stall to look and written a huge to do list before the actual day! So if anyone has any ideas or top tips for craft markets I would be super grateful!

I will share more information about the market as we get closer to it, but I just wanted to share my exciting news with you!

Hope you are all keeping safe and well?

