Poured By Fi

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4 Tips To Heal Headaches

I have been a sufferer of headaches for such a long time now, I think it might have been back in my school days that they first started getting bad.

As with most people I get the more when I am stressed or worried about something, but really hate to take pain killers as I don’t find them helpful!

So this got me thinking, and I started to research different ways to help heal my headaches and here is what I have found:

  1. Drink Water - Dehydration can be an underlying cause of headaches, it can also alter how a person feels, acts and even thinks. Just a glass more a day can help keep the headaches at bay.

  2. Cold and Warm Compress - A cold compress can help to constrict the blood vessels which will reduce any inflammation in the area so can temporarily relieve headache pains. A warm compress an help relax muscles which is needed in a tension headache!

  3. Exercise - It might seem like an odd suggestion but getting some light exercise will promote better circulation which might help reduce the chances of a headache occurring.

  4. Essential Oils - Inhaling lavender essential oils for just 15 minutes can reduce the severity of a headache and peppermint is the perfect scent for helping with tension headaches. The Poured By Fi - For Headaches contains both peppermint and lavender essential oils so it should help all types of headache.