Book Lover's Day - 9th August 2022

My whole family are huge book worms and we have always loved to read. Sadly as I have gotten older and become a parent my time for reading has shrunk so much, that I hardly have time to read these days.

So when I do have time I really try to make the most of it. I try to make it a whole event! I get myself a drink of choice (most likely a cup of tea!) I light my favorite candle and get myself set up to really enjoy the pages that I am about to read.

To celebrate Book Lover's Day on the 9th of August I am putting together my list of top books that I was to read this year. If I am being honest I have actually started all of these books, I just got distracted and started a different one! Anywho, here are the books :

How To Kill Your Family

The Magpie Society

Thursday Murder Club

Defending Jacob

I would love to know what books are on your reading list this year and what is your perfect reading set up!

Fi x


Happy New Year - Its 2023!!


Good Things x Yum Market