April Self Care Goals

Again I am a little late to the party with this one, but I think better late than never - right?

This month my baby girl is starting nursery one day a week so I want to really focus on how I spend that day. I am having an internal battle deciding if I get super productive and do all the washing, sort the house out, and do the jobs that we have been putting off or do I get in some really good self-care time and focus on myself!

I think the best plan is to do a bit of both, but I also think not setting a rigid plan for myself is the best option.

So with that being said, here are my goals for the month:

  • Drink more water!!

  • Switch off and read more

  • Focus on being present with the children

  • Book and attend a Pilates class on Tuesday mornings

  • Get back on my skincare routine

I would love to hear what your goals are for this month!

Fi x


Candle Workshop Update


May 11th Candle Workshop