Poured By Fi

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How To Clean Used Jars

So, you have come to the end of your candle, and you want to give it another life.

Well I am here to share my top tips on cleaning the Poured By Fi jars to make sure it is perfect for you to use again!

Step 1:

If you have any wax left in the jar, use a spoon to scoop it out so you are left with a close to empty as you can get it jar.

It will be at this point you will need to remove the wick base and sticker. This should come off with a little push with your spoon!

I also peel the labels off at this stage too!

Step 2:

Next you need to boil the kettle so you have hot water to melt any final wax residue. Please be care with this part as the glass jars will get hot and no one likes a burnt finger!!

Simple pour your boiling water in the jar and leave to stand for as long as needed to melt all the wax.

Step 3:

Empty out the boiling water from the jar, I use a tea towel to help me here but please protect your hands!

Once the water is out, I use a piece of kitchen roll to remove anything that is left in the jar.

Step 4:

This step will differ depending on what you have around the house, but I use nail varnish remover to wipe away any sticky marks left behind from the labels.

And now you should have a lovely clean amber jar to reuse however you want!

If you don’t want to do this yourself, I don’t forget that you Scent It Back to me and get a discount off your next order!! Find out more about that here!